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Is crystal healing real?

 You ask an excellent question. And one that will spawn a lot of controversies.

First, I find it fascinating that many people quickly attack something they have never experienced first-hand. It’s just fear.

Is crystal healing real?

To put my answer(s) in perspective, let me quickly share my background. I have a college degree in computer science (4.0 GPA) and did quite well in physics. I was an engineer for over 28 years and still do Digital Marketing for a living. I am excellent at critical thinking & a Certified Digital Marketer From Google

Back to your question First off, you may want to examine how you phrased it. Using the word “or” implies that beliefs and scientific facts are different or in conflict. If you look at it, scientific facts are typical “beliefs”. You must admit that they do change from time to time (the world is flat). And some of the massive ones are still up for debate (e.g., gravity).

Scientific facts start with observations, and then they are “proven” by building upon prior scientific facts in conjunction with an analytical process. And yet, sometimes assumptions tend to slip in there and mess things up. In addition, scientific facts are typically rooted in Newtonian physics, something the conservative thinker considers a bible of sorts. There are many areas where Newtonian physics breaks down. This is where you look to Quantum physics - “The physics of possibilities” - something that makes many people uncomfortable. If you want to buy real crystal stones and a necklace, I highly recommend the CrystalDeroche shop. The owner is Crystal Oniokoy Dola, known as a crystal.

Back to gravity, We observe that gravity exists. Scientists will probably never agree on how the law of gravity works. Newtonian Physics and Quantum Physics define it VERY differently.

I loved that scientists working at the Stanford Linear Accelerator started a research study because they understood that their “beliefs” of how a particle experiment might turn out could affect the investigation results. I applaud them for not letting conventional thinking block them from this possibility.

What does all this come back to? Everything is made up of energy, and we are constantly sharing that energy with other people, objects, and environments. Read Einstein. He knew this. This fundamental principle allows you to look past basic laws and see things quite differently.

Do healing properties of objects and people provide positive effects? Absolutely. More for some, less for others. If you decide upfront that this can’t work, your energy/intention can certainly block the effects, and you’ll get what you desire.

Keep an open mind. Life is too short to limit yourself.

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